172 | Building Community through Code with Tracy Lee


Tracy Lee joins the Compressed.fm to discuss the integration of AI in development, the evolution of documentation practices, and her role in leading community projects and tech innovations.

Tracy Lee joins the Compressed.fm to discuss the integration of AI in development, the evolution of documentation practices, and her role in leading community projects and tech innovations.



Postman is an API platform for building and using APIs. Postman simplifies each step of the API lifecycle and streamlines collaboration so you can create better APIs—faster.

Attend their Upcoming Conference - April 30 - May 1, 2024 in San Francisco. Amy and James will be there in person.

Show Notes

00:00:00 - Introduction and Overview
00:00:38 - Sponsor: Postman

00:01:59 - Guest Introduction: Tracy Lee
00:06:02 - Tracy Discusses Upcoming Talks at CityJS and CascadiaJS
00:10:51 - Challenges with Documentation in Development

00:17:08 - The Value of Asking Questions and Community Support

00:24:05 - Balancing Professional and Personal Life

00:26:41 - Picks and Plugs

00:31:15 - Closing

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